Leningrad image
Vital statistics
Location Westwood
Inhabitants The Soviet People of Shintolin

Ruins I don't see any place called "Eudaimonia" on the map...
The settlement described on this page has long since been erased from the world – good luck finding the ruins!

The capitol city of the Union of Soviet Shintolin Republics (USSR); a great and powerful nation by the people, for the people. Never again shall the peoples of Shintolin be forced into bonds by the rich and powerful. Our great Nation delivers Freedom to all who will receive it.


Leningrad was originally founded as New Raktam. However, the original founder Monaliza quickly abandoned her creation and it was taken up and nursed back to strength by our great Comrade, Vladimir Lenin and renamed Leningrad.


All around us lies the forest and meadows that gives us this land of plenty.


To the East of our borders lies Draugrskall and the Draugr Nation, taking up space to the North is the blight of the land known as the Sanatarium, to the South and East lies the never ending expanse of the Wilderness. All around us lies the forest and meadows that gives us this land of plenty.


Hard working people lending their strength to help the growth of the Motherland. It is the local custom to refer to others as "Comrade" as a sign of respect.

Things to attack[]

Stags, Bears, and Beehives.


There is an abundance of Stags which keep Leningrad's antler supply extremely abundant. The land is a perfect integration of meadow and forest so thyme, onions, and much lumber can be found.

External links[]
